June 30, 2010

* WOYWW Tidy *

Afternoon all

This is my first post for WOYWW i've seen other peeps post about their workspace so thought it time i joined in.
Well..... theres not alot on mine now but if you'd have seen it a couple of hours ago you'd have said OMG what a mess!! bits and bobs everywhere :) and thats because i've been asking hubby to put me shelf up for ages and guess what!! today my shelf is up woo hoooooo so i now have a nice tidy desk ready to get messy again and all my bits and bobs are to hand.
If you don't know what WOYWW then pop over to Julia's and all will be explained.


* Easel *

Hi all

I've made my very first eisel card today wooo hooo and i am entering it into 3 challenges.
1. * Totally Papercrafts * Easel With A Twist.
2. * Penny Black * Paper Patch.
3. * Just Cute Bears * Open Theme.


June 29, 2010

* Strawberries & Cream *

Hi all

Son is feeling alot better now and his wound is healing nicely i am hoping when we go back to the hospital on friday they will say the district nurse will not have to come anymore and let the wound heal naturally which will make life a bit easier, thank you all so much for your lovely messages.

I managed to make this card today and i am entering it into 4 challenges
1. * Just Magnolia *  Bev's Sketch.
2. * Secret Crafter * Strawberries & Cream.
3. * Sunday Stampers * Pearls.
4. * Magical Crafts * Flower Power.


June 20, 2010

* Strawberry Mouse *

Morning all

Sitting waiting for the district nurse to come in thought i could sneak to the craft room and make a card, managed to make this one and it fits 5 challenges wooo hoooo.
1. * Totally Papercrafts * Scoopy's Sketch.
2. * MTTC * Extra Special.
3. * Forever Friends * Not Forever Friends.
4. * House Mouse * Sweet.
5. * Papertake Weekly * Ice Cream Flavours ( my flavour is strawberry and mint mmmmmmmm).

June 19, 2010

* Tags *

Hi all

Not had much chance to do any crafting as have had Son poorly so have been doing the nursy thing with him even though he is 33 he still needed a bit of motherly cuddles lol... so in between visits from district nurses and doctors i managed just about to make 3 tags for the June swap on Hels Angels forum.