The award is for people you feel have earned the Award on there creativity and i now have to pass it on to 5 deserving people and they are 5 of my Blogging Sisters .
May 26, 2008
** Yet another award **
The award is for people you feel have earned the Award on there creativity and i now have to pass it on to 5 deserving people and they are 5 of my Blogging Sisters .
** Wedding Bells **
Morning all
Decided to have a go at this weeks Scrummy Stash Cafe challenge which is Wedding, although i don't know if this is classed as cheating but i made this LO a couple of weeks back for another challenge but it fits so there. (lol)
Thanks for looking
Shaz xx
May 25, 2008
** I've won an award **
May 24, 2008
** Sisters page 6 **
Hello again
Over on Craft Swap Forum we have a scrapbook challenge set every month by Lesley and this months challenge is to use 1 photo, plain background paper, rubber stamp and some of your own handwriting so i thought it was about time i added a page to my little doggy scrapbook i am doing for my two Jack Russels so here is page 6.
Thanks for looking....Shaz xx
May 23, 2008
** Me To You **
Hi everyone me again
On a forum i belong to we have got this idea going that each month we send something we have made to whoever is is directly under our name and this month i had to make something for a lovely friend of mine..Angie so i decided to make her a notebook hope she likes it
The left image is the front and the charm you can see is of an elephant i think everybody knows about me and elephants and the image to the right is well obviously the back.
May 22, 2008
** Sketch **
May 20, 2008
May 19, 2008
** Biking, Hiking & Sailing **
May 18, 2008
** Vino **
May 17, 2008
** 2 from 1 **
May 16, 2008
** Oh no not again **
Oh yes i've been tagged yet again by that little minx Nicky thanks a lot Nic
Here are the Rules:
1. Link back to the person that tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your entry.
So here are my 6 unimportant facts about me......
1. I used to breed and show budgies
2. I was secretary for the caravan & camping club for 7 years
3. I started the parents association at my kids junior school and helped save it from closing
4. I raised money to buy my Daughter a machine so she could stay at home instead of being stuck in a hospital ward and in doing so raised enough money to purchase two other machines and donated them to the hospital to help other families.
5. I keep tropical fish.
6. I hate shopping for shoes and clothes.
Well that was boring wasn't it now all i have to do is find six poor unsuspecting people to tag
So i am going to tag
Lesley, Kazza, Fifi, She, Bee, Andrea
May 15, 2008
** Oriental **
For this months tag swap the theme is i'm not a fan of oriental but i have given it a go and made 3 hope they are ok.

May 12, 2008
** Birthday **
Hi all
Just made a quick card for a male friend of mine hope he likes it, and as it's the first time i've used this stamp i thought i would use it for the Stamp Something challenge.
The challenge is to use some thing for the first time or use a new technique for the first time etc
I used the stamp from this months Craft Stamper Magazine.
** Cool Cat **