March 28, 2009
March 22, 2009
* Diamonds are Forever *

* R.I.P *
Such sad news this morning of the death of Jade Goody.. on mothers day of all days the very part of her that made her a mother has tragically taken her life, god bless Jade my condolences go to her family especially her 2 young boys, lets hope more lives can be saved from Jade being so open during her last few months of life xx.
March 19, 2009
* Bookmarks *

March 07, 2009
* And yet another *
Hi all

March 06, 2009
* Still Here *
Hi everyone
Just to let you know i'm still about, but my mojo has definatley emigrated i'm even thinking of selling all my craft stash if it don't return soon.
A friend of mine Hilda has given me this lovely award although i'm not much of a friend at the moment but i thank her very much for thinking of me
I now have the job of finding only 5 friends to pass this award onto, i really think anyone who visits my blog should be awarded with this award so if you want you may take this award as a thank you from me, but i have passed this award onto.
Lydia, Lesley, Fifi, Wendy, Joy.